Welcome to the new forum archives. In case you missed our previous announcement, we have copied our data and moved over to our own self-hosted forum system as our original forums on ZetaBoards is being terminated soon.
The new Rocknarok Forum Archives is powered by phpBB® and hosted on the Icarus Server, operated by @Yandols. Should there be any problems while you are browsing through the archives, please contact him.
Please take note that during the moving process, user passwords have been corrupted in the process. If you would like to have access to your account restored, please use the reset password feature in the log-in menu. We cannot help you set a new password on your account, so please do not contact us about it, use the reset password feature and check your spam/junk mail folder in case you do not see the reset consent email.
All archive sections still follow the same permission set as we had placed on the original forums. You may not reply to a topic in the archives or start a new one. Should you decide to start a new topic to address changes you feel would be necessary or welcome here, feel free to make one in the Non-Archive Zone.
Thank you and have a nice day.
NOTICE: If you are a returning member, please reset your password to be able to log in as your old password can no longer be used. Make sure you check your spam/junk mail folder in case the reset consent mail lands there. Additionally, you may not reply to or start new topics outside of the non-archive zone.
Welcome to TRAF
Topic author - Site Admin
- Articles:0
- Posts:2
- Joined:Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:46 am