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Makai - The Demon Realm

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:32 am
by Yandols
Because it is publicly released, I'm going to post it here.
Note: These maps will NOT be included in SDMaps.grf
Knight of Marcia wrote:I made this for my server, as we have a storyline going on that involves angels and demons. I wanted to make cities for both sides, but I have neither the time or talent to make maps from scratch, so I decided to try my hand at hex editing, and wound up creating Makai.

Makai is an edit of the city part of Glast Heim. I changed the textures, and a few models, through hexing so that I could create Makai without altering the regular Glast Heim. I also did hex edits of kh_rossi to create the indoor areas of Makai, and a hex edit of yuno_fild11 to create the single field that goes with the city. I also used que_sign01 for one indoor area, but I didn't change it as it already fit in fine with the rest of the city. I did, however, copy and rename the map to dem_sign01 so that I wouldn't have to use the original map, just in case Gravity ever does anything with it.
Now, time for some screen shots!

Makai Screenshot 1
Makai Screenshot 2
Makai Screenshot 3
Makai Screenshot 4
Makai Screenshot 5
Makai Screenshot 6

Makai Indoors Screenshot
Makai Field Screenshot 1
Makai Field Screenshot 2

Please keep in mind that this map is not meant to replace Glast Heim. It is meant to be a semi-custom city that is completely seperate from the Glast Heim dungeon.

Also, the indoors screen shot doesn't show all of the indoors areas. I just grabbed a few of them to give you guys the general idea.

Now, to put Makai in your server you'll want to download the files. I've placed them inside a grf, so you'll need to extract them and add them to your servers grf/patcher/whatever you use.

Makai GRF Download [FIXED]

Once you have that done, you'll have to add the following to your server files.

In your conf folder, add the following to your maps_athena.conf file

Code: Select all

map: demon_01.gat
map: in_makai.gat
map: in_maka2.gat
map: maka_fild01.gat
map: dem_sign01.gat
In your db folder, add the following to your map_index.txt file

Code: Select all

Knight of Marcia wrote:To be perfectly honest, I'm not positive if that's how it's supposed to go into the map_index.txt file. On mine, I have to put some of the maps in twice in order to get the server to read them, so you might try that if it messes up. If anyone reading this topic knows a better/proper way to put the maps in the map_index.txt, please let me know!
To get the warps the way I have them, download the following file and place it where you want it in your servers NPC folder.

Knight of Marcia wrote:On my server, I have an NPC that warps players to Makai, so the entrance warp point isn't in the above script. The coordinates I use for the entrance are demon_01.gat 199,30 , which puts the player at the very bottom of the map.
In order to get the server to read the makaiwarps.txt file you just downloaded, go to your NPC folder, open scripts_custom.conf , and add in the path to it.

Okay, now, as for client side you should do the following.

Add the following to your mapnametable.txt file

Code: Select all

demon_01.rsw#Makai : The Demon Realm #
dem_sign01.rsw#Makai : Inside Makai #
in_makai.rsw#Makai : Inside Makai #
in_maka2.rsw#Makai : Inside Makai #
maka_fild01.rsw#Makai : Makai Field #
You can also add a creepy red tinge to the city, which I didn't show here in the screenshots, by adding the following to your fogparametertable.txt

Code: Select all

Knight of Marcia wrote:I'm sure you all know how to put in back ground music for the city, so I'll leave it up to you to decide what you want it to sound like there.

Well, that's about all I can think of. If I left anything out, or if anyone has a problem with the map, I'll do the best I can to offer support for it. Please keep in mind, though, that I'm still a newbie at this stuff, so be gentle, okay?

Hope you guys like Makai!

Edit: 03/21/06 - After a couple people were having trouble with the map, I realized that the GRF file had messed up when I uploaded it. I fixed it and tested it, so it shouldn't cause any more problems (I hope).

I also added a txt file download for the warps so that no one has to try and add in the tabs by hand anymore.
All Credits to Knight of Marcia from eA Support Board.