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Rockman exe - Xceed

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:41 am
by CHM-Mayune
Chapter 1 The Beginning
Description: Not much to say, just a lengthly fan-fic because I'm bored. This story takes place after 3 months of EXE6, I'll be getting some in the Anime, but not all.

A screen appeared in the front of the man sitting on the chair, speaking to the superior. "The plan will begin tomorrow, it's best to stall for time right now." The unknown figure spoke in the screen.
"I see." The man spoke. "We are also preparing things, tomorrow will make things easy if we prepare now." He spoke as he move his arms to his desk, looking at the figure in front of his screen.
"The WWW failed to destroy the world using Cyber Beasts, now it's our turn to destroy it using "that" beast." The man said as he type the words on the screen in front on him. "You must not do something for now."
"Roger that." The unknown figure said as the screen in front of him disappeared.


" up..."
"NETTO-KUN WAKE UP!" Rockman screamed at his operator from the PET and the boy fell from his bed due to the voice that reached his ears.
"Rockman... What's with the get up... I have no school today..." Netto stand up from his lying position and wiped his eyes to see better.
"Didn't you forget already?" Rockman asked as be placed his arms in front of him and closed one eye. "That you will get your new PET in Kagakusho?"
"Ehh...?" Netto used his head to remember the events yesterday and his widened his eyes that he realized he forgot everything. "You're right! Why you didn't wake me up sooner!?" He said as he rush through his room looking for his clothes and change them.
"I tried but it didn't work on you, screaming will be always a last resort..." After Netto finished dressing up, he grabbed his PET and walked downstairs as fast as he can.
"Good morning, Netto." His mother, Hikari Haruka asked with a bright smile on her faced and glanced at her son.
"Good morning, Mama." He grabbed the toast and quickly rushed through the door. "Sorry Mama, I need to go to Kagakusho to get something. I'll be leaving!"
"Take care!" She said as Netto closed the door from outside.
"I need to hurry before I got late..." Netto rushed as he pull his inline skates harder to reach Kagakusho faster.


"Test Successful." The scientist said happily.
"I'm looking forward to see this..." An unknown person go inside the Kagakusho and walked towards the scientists with a smirked on the face. "It would be interesting."
As the scientist saw the person, his eyes widened. "I know, but, it's still not complete, maybe when Netto arrives."
"Please Hikari-hakase, I'm not saying it's complete, I think it's just getting more interesting." The unknown person said to the scientist, Hikari Yuuichirou, the most famous scientist in the world that help and did many projects.
"But..." The scientist said but his words were cut as the familiar person entered Kagakusho. "I'm here!" Netto said with a pant on his face and gasping for his breath.
"Netto!" His father is surprised as he saw his son. "Oh~ So this is the hero that defeated WWW 3 times, defeated Nebula 2 times and defeated Gospel for one time." She said as she cross her arms in front of her and she stare at the boy with interest.
"Hey, who the hell are you and why are you in Kagakusho?" Netto said as he points his indexed finger to the person next to the scientist.
"Hmph, I though he would be better in attitude. Oh well, I'm Ichido. Ichido Marina." She said as she remained in her position, but with a smirk. "I'm in the same position as you, a Net Savior."
"Huh? But I never heard a thing about you..." Netto asked as he approach the 2 people before him. "Since when you became one?" He asked with an interesting tone and curiousness on his face.
"I just become one like... 1 and a half month or 1 month ago? I forgot. I guess it's a short time since I arrived in this place." She said, her position unchanged with a different tone.
"Ohh... By the way Papa, where's the PET you've been talking about yesterday?" As Netto found the answer he's seeking to the girl, he turned to his father for the promise he made. "Rockman reminded me this morning."
"Oh, it wasn't that finished yet,but you will get yours and others today, but not now." The scientist said as he glanced at his son and turned to the computer again typing something. "There were many problems since 3 days ago that we never noticed."
"But, WWW has been disbanded, and their hooligans are arrested, but why them again?" Netto asked as he walked next to his father and looking at the screen.
"WWW isn't related to the current case, and they weren't responsible. Seems like another organization try to vanish the world, but what?" The girl spoke for the first time after her conversation with Netto. "...Looks like I have to go now, I have other things to do..." She turned away and walked to the door.
"Adios." She said as she passed through the door and took a stroll on the streets.


"I think this is the time to proceed to our plans, right, Shockman?" An unknown navi asked his partner for questions, they were in an unfamiliar net, yet they know how to navigate through it. "The plans we have will be better since we prepared them more yesterday." The unknown Navi speak with a smirk as his arms morph into a sword.
"No need to rush, Crossman, the reason we prepare them more carefully so that these incidents won't be publicized." Shockman raised his arm against Crossman, who had the design of an average sized Navi with an armor on his body, arms, feet, shoulders and his head, stopped him from doing anything. "You even suggested not to rush this mission, so why the attacks like you're going aggressive?"
"I know..." Crossman said as he still retained the smirk on his face. "But I can't wait to do something better than 3 days ago." His arms morphed back to his arms again.
"I don't think so!" A voiced called out to them, but a familiar voice they heard, and they looked for a source. A navi appeared in from of them and changed their stance to defensive. "Edgeman..." Shockman muttered as he saw the Navi.
"I never dreamed of seeing you again, Shockman, since that day..." He said as his arms are on his side with his fists clenched. "Will we continue what we finished that time?" Edgeman said with an emphasis on his words as he smirked through Shockman.
"You know him, Shockman?" Crossman asked as his position change back to stand-by. "I'm getting the feeling you know this... enemy." He said with a curiousity on his last sentence.
"..." He remained silent and frozen as the 2 navis raised a question against him, one for a request and one for a curious. Why... why did he have to appear now? He said mentally, and changed his stance. "We have to retreat for now, Crossman, fighting him would be a waste of time..." He plugged out from the position he's in and Crossman followed.
He's not ready yet... It seems. I will defeat you, no matter what... Edgeman said to himself as his operator heard the voice. "Edgeman... Plug-out for now." As soon as Edgeman heard, he plugged out as his operator said the words.


"We enountered a dangerous enemy, I don't want to fight him, it would be a waste of time." Shockman, who had a design of an average bulky Navi, with a bulky armors on his body, feet, head, shoulders and his back, said to the leader of the group with a grimly tone of voice.
"I know how you feel, your betrayal to your friend and fight him in the wrong place would delete you, so that's why I recruited you, to make you stronger." The leader of the organization said with a worry on his face, but never seen smile. "But that case is nothing to do with this mission, but I'll forgive you this time." He said, never changing his expressions.
"Yes. I will continue and focus more on his mission now, and forget that betrayal. I understand that." He said with a little bow on his head.
"Hmph, looks like you're getting used to these things, the next time you see that navi, don't hesitate to attack, you got the power you can delete him, remember?"
Shockman smirked as he heard those words. "Yes. I will try to access that power to delete him, that would be my benefit..."
"I will use that former WWW Navi to cause another incident, this time it's an obvious one, since he's a WWW Navi, there's nothing to worry about that." The leader said without changing his expression to every sentence he said.
Shockman looks surprised at the leader's words. "Obvious? That would make us noticed by the public!" He said with a raising voice on the comment.
The leader laughed bitterly. "Why would a former WWW Navi be not publicized for something obvious? He's a WWW Navi. I re-write his program since his destruction and I rebuild him. He don't remember the things he's done, but he remembers that he's a WWW Navi."
The Navi just looked wide eyed and backed to his original look. "Oh, I must be sensitive being publicized, It's just me." Shockman said without his expression changing. "I have to rest for now, it's up to him..." The screen in front of the leader disappeared.


"Woohoo~!" Netto said happily as he walked the streets of Akihara. "This PET looked so much better."
"And they retained the old hologram for us Navis, it's awesome!" Rockman said as he hologramed through Netto's shoulders. "And I feel much better on this PET."
"This Micro PET is IPC and Kagakusho's latest PET invention, and had every features possible, can we try it later, Rockman?" Netto said as he glanced at his Navi who hologrammed in his shoulder.
"Why not, testing things first would be better, but DID we test it a while ago?" Rockman asked with a worry tone at his operator glancing through the streets.
"Ohh, I for --" Suddenly, Netto's words were cut as soon as he heard 2 cars crashed at each other and people screamed. "W-What was THAT!?" Netto said loudly as he stared at the 2 cars.
"Netto-kun, plug me in the stoplight!" Rockman said as he stood up from his operator's shoulders. "I don't know who did it, but there's no one who can't do this."
"All right, let's test how this PET works." Netto grabbed his PET from his new holser from his upper arms and plugged Rockman in. "Plug in! Rockman exe, Transmission!" A red laser from his PET go through the nearest stoplight that Netto could find.


As Rockman appeared in the networks of the Stoplight, viruses appeared everywhere and trying to destroy the surroundings.
"V-Viruses! There's many of them!" Rockman said with a high voice in it. "Netto-kun, send me battle chips!" Rockman said to his operator with the same voice and pitch.
"Roger. Battle chip, Spread Gun, Slot-in!" Netto slotted the chip on the right side of his new PET.
"Spread Gun!" Rockman repeated the words as he used the battle chip on his arm to destroy many viruses.
"Battle chip, Vulcan, slot-in!" Netto inserted another battle chip. Rockman's arm replaced the Spread Gun into a Vulcan.
Rockman attacked through the viruses again, this time, the viruses around are deleted, then a known figure walked in front of Rockman. "Blastman!" Rockman cried.
"That's impossible, Blastman's deleted! How could someone revived him!" Netto said as he's surprised to see Blastman again since the first time he encountered the WWW Navi.
"So know me...?" Blastman smirked as he gaze on Rockman. "I don't care who you are but you're gonna be deleted!" Blastman raised his hands and send fire attacks on Rockman.
That's weird... He encountered me for like 3 months ago and he don't remember me...? Rockman asked mentally, trying to noticed things that Blastman said things earlier.
"Take this!" Blastman fired more attacks on Rockman and the small blue Navi dodged them with ease.
"Let's go, Rockman! Let's delete him again like we did last time!" Netto said to his Navi. "Battle Chip, Wide Sword, slot-in!" Netto cried as he insert the battle chip.
Rockman's arms morph into a different shaped sword and charge at Blastman. "Take this!" He slashed Blastman with ease and Blastman stopped on his attack and his body was in pain as the sword had a scar marked on him.
"Damn... I... must report... to them...!" Blastman plugged out and turned into pixels with the words "PLUG OUT" appeared before he's deleted.
"Report... to "them"?" Rockman repeated the words Blastman said before he plugged out.
"We should plug-out now." Netto said to make Rockman back to his senses.
"Y-Yeah..." Rockman followed Netto's orders and plugged-out.


"Netto-kun... I think we just have new enemy..." Rockman said with a depressed voice on his face.
"I think that must be what Papa said in Kagakusho a while ago..." Netto said as he glanced at his PET, walking the way home.
"If it is, why did they cause problems in public? Papa said those incidents wasn't publicized since 3 days ago, but why it's publicized now."
"That's what I don't know, Enzan didn't even bother to show up to report something, or even that girl we encountered at Kagakusho." Netto said while glancing at the streets while returning his PET on his holser.


Blastman appeared on the screen of the leader of the organization to report. "Looks like we found another obstacle to our plans..." He said with the pain on his sword since after Rockman slashed at him.
The leader looked at Blastman with interest. "Is it that navi again?"
"No... It's a different one, he's small and blue..." Blastman still clutching at the pain he's in, pixels of data appearing on his chest.
"First that Edgeman navi, now another one? Who dares to take us down?" The leader's voice change to a calm ones to an angry ones.
"I think it's that Navi who took down WWW." Crossman appeared on another screen beside Blastman's. "That Rockman guy. I've heard that name many times but I never get a chance to see."
"We have to make another plan. Let the 2 Navis take no notice on the incidents we're making, this time we will succeed!" The leader growled, expression remains the same. "You should recover for now, Blastman." He said as he glanced at the red and black Navi.
"Roger. I should take my leave..." He bowed as the screen disappeared.
"And you should too... Crossman." He glanced at the Navi after Blastman's screen disappeared.
"Roger." Crossman's screen also disappared.
"No one ever get our way. No one!" The leader said with an angry expresssion on his eyes.


Author's notes: The summary or the first chapter is kinda long I know that. I'm using Japanese names because I don't much like the EN names, no offense.

Kagakusho - Science Labs or Ministry of Science.
Net Savior - Anime only. Net Saviors are the one that solves crime in the net, hence the name "Net".

Rockman exe - Xceed

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:48 am
by Yandols
You wrote this whole story?
Or is it a fan-fic that you found on the net?

Rockman exe - Xceed

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:00 am
by CHM-Mayune
I typed it.

And hell no, I won't try to copy a fan-fic and post it in the forum.

Rockman exe - Xceed

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:53 am
by CHM-Mayune
Chapter 2, up!
Chapter 2 Wild Shock
"Proceed to the new plan." The leader said with his arms resting on the sides, standing on a large screen at the back of his chair, not facing his underlings.
"Roger. We must be careful from now on." Blastman said as he disappeared on the screen.
"Shockman, accompany Blastman, be careful not to get noticed by the Net Police." The leader said as he approach his desk and sit on his chair in front of it.
Shockman's expression changed from a surprised one. "What if... I encountered that Navi again...?" He asked his leader.
"Are you still worried? For what purpose you have that power if you can't use it?" He asked bitterly with his arms hiding his mouth and nose like he was examining something.
Shockman, a Navi who betrayed his friend Edgeman 4 months ago, had joined the Mysterious Man to become stronger, but he didn't expect to be like this. "..." He remained silent as he sink down the words that his leader said to him.
"You remember being all alone that time? Alone like no operator would get you?" The leader start doubting as Shockman looked pitiful on his screen.
"I... I remember that..." Shockman said as he don't meet the person's eyes before him. "I was real alone... No one ever tried to help me, Edgeman was busy with his operator..."

-- --Flashback-- --

"Help me!" Shockman ran through the Internet City with a scared expression, seeking for help.
"Grrrr..." The beast followed the running Shockman, followed him until no Navi would see both of them run and chase.
"Edgeman... HELP ME!!" The scared Navi screamed at the top of his lungs and tripped on one of the objects and he fell on the ground. The Virus made a stop attempting to attack him.
"I... I'm scared..." Unfortunately, someone sliced through the virus and it disappeared in pixels.
"Are you okay, kid?" Someone called and approached in front of the sitting Shockman. "If you don't want this kind of life, come with me, you'll be happy." The unknown Navi reached his hand to Shockman, offering to invite him.
"Are you s-sure?" The hesitated Shockman asked.
"Yeah, you won't be in this state anymore."
"...I'll join..." Shockman raised his hand to hold the unknown Navi's hand as a sign of agreement.

-- --Flashback-- --

"You remember who made you escape that miserable life?" His leader asked him coldy like he was talking to him without realizing his sad expression.
"Yes. It was "him"." Shockman faced the person in front of him, with a serious face. "I will definitely defeat Edgeman, even if the price is my own deletion."
"Hmph, looks like you're back to your normal self." The leader smirked, his position unchanged. "You must go with Blastman now, don't waste time."
"Roger." Shockman said with a bow and turned the screen off.
"The Navi who save you is still hiding in the shadows." The leader muttered.

- - - - -

"It's done!" Marina said with a happy face on the computer in front of her screen, her arms resting on the back of the chair. "I never thought it would be hard to decipher this program."
"I think it took more than 1 hour to do it!" Edgeman said from Marina's PET, resting on the smaller charger. "I was only staring at the wall for no reason at all, my eyes would've been blurred if it took you any longer."
"Heh. After all that problem, I think we need to deliver it now." Marina rocked on the chair for a bit and reached her arms for the keyboard, looking at Edgeman. "My arse is busted up, it felt like I sit 24 hours."
"Uhh... You're talking like you're a boy." Edgeman asked with a worry on his tone. "But I guess your 'rebellion' attitude grew up on you more as time passes."
"I guess... I will never change. My life before was worst compared to now..." She muttered as she stared at the ceiling. "I still have nightmares and always the same..." She said with a sad voice.
"..." Edgeman kept silent as he hear his operator talking from her sleep and didn't bother to wake her up. "I guess..."
"Enough with the sad times, I need to go to Kagakusho since I finished decipher this program." Marina stood up from her chair and get the PET and reached for the door.

= = = = =

Two Navis appear in pixels in front of the firewall of Kagakusho. Revealing Shockman and Blastman.
"Here we are." Blastman said, with Shockman at his side. "Looks like it won't take time."
"Let's go. Don't let a minute of a time go waste!" Shockman said as he charge forward for the firewall.
"I wouldn't expect seeing both of you here..." A new unknown Navi spoke as he appeared in front of the firewall.
"How did you find us here?" Shockman asked. His face was different from Edgeman, he had a bulky armors, his head is different from any Navis, like a beast, his feet is claws instead of a typical feet, he has a gear-like shape beside his big square shoulders.
"You're not being too careful. You all sought to destroy the world... Nightmare Onslaught." He said as he stared to them with his arms crossed, hiding his Navi Mark.
"Damn... What are we gonna do now, Shockman?" Blastman looked at his partner, worry about their mission. "Should we retreat?"
"We should fight him... We must destroy the system so that these scientists won't take advantage on finding us out." Shockman said as his stance changed into an attack.
"You all regret it..."

= = = = =

"I'm here~" Marina said as she enter Kagakusho with her arms sucked in the pocket. "I'm finished decipher this complicated program." She said as she get the small disk with a case inside it and handed to the scientist.
"I see. I must wait for the right time to install it on Rockman..." Hikari-hakase said as he stare at the disk. "This is a program left by Netto's grandfather, and it was protected hard so it won't be deciphered so easily, I barely decipher it." Hikari-hakase said as he gaze at the girl.
"I even had a hard time on it, I was thinking of giving up, but I insisted on not." Marina said as she stare at the screen for no reason.
Kagakusho let out an emergency noise as all scientist examine the Network inside it. "Hikari-hakase! There were 3 Navis fighting in the Kagakusho networks!"
"What!?" Hikari-hakase said with a surprise. "That's impossible, there's no way any Navi could enter the networks!" He said as he stared at the screen with the 3 Navis fighting at each other.
Marina kept silent as she recognize the red and orange Navi that the two other enemy Navis was fighting. Inferno... She said to herself mentally. "Hikari-hakase, please plug-me also in the Kagakusho networks, I will help the one who fights the 2 Navis!" She said as she glanced at the scientist.
"OK, I think you know something about anyone of them since you were quiet and frustrated since the attack was detected." He said as he glanced at the girl.
"How did you know that?" Marina's face changed with curiousity as she heard what the scientist had said.
"I don't know... It's probably written on your face..." He glanced on the screen again, staring at the fight. "I'll contact Netto and Enzan-kun now."
"Ohh... Let's go Edgeman!" She said as she pulled her PET out of her carrier and looked at the Navi. "Plug-in! Edgeman, Transmission!"

- - - - -

As the 2 Navis fight, Edgeman appeared beside them and called for his weapon. "Edge Blade!" A large halberd appeared in front on him and grabbed it with his arms. "Blade Sickel!" Edgeman waved his weapon at those two, hurting the 3 Navis.
"Edgeman!" The 3 Navis cried in sync, but Shockman's expression was angry as soon as he saw the Navi.
"Long time no see, Inferno." He rested the weapon on the ground and still held it in his arm and glanced at the large Navi.
"It wasn't that long..." Inferno said without changing his expression, not even he can open his mouth then speaking.
"..." Shockman kept quiet as he was deciding to active the power installed to him or not. I must... or not? I will prove to him that I'm stronger now... But something's stopping me from using it! He said to himself, an unknown force was stopping him from using the power, apparently it was his own "good" soul that make him stop from using it.
2 Navis appeared behind Edgeman, one was Blue and one was Red, it was Rockman and Blues.
"We're here to support you, Edgeman!" Rockman said with a determination oh his words, as he stare against the 2 Navis.
"We're not letting anyone destroy this network!" Blues said as he changed from his stance to defensive and his arm morphed into a sword.

- - - - -

"We're here to help!" Enzan said as he enter Kagakusho with Netto. "I was contacted by Hakase because Kagakusho had a tough battle inside it's networks." Enzan said as he looked the taller-than-him girl with a serious face.
"And we should take out Blastman, too!" Netto said with determination.
"No... You won't be able to defeat them for now..." Marina muttered as she stare at Shockman, seeing his extreme anger, not even Enzan or Netto could hear her.

- - - - -

"Overdrive Mode!" Shockman cried. His power increased dramatically as he charge at Edgeman, Rockman and Blues. But the 3 Navis managed to dodge it.
"What happened to him?" Rockman asked with different expression as he looked at Shockman who's still charging at them. But his main focus is Edgeman.
"Rockman, Blues, we need to separate and attack him by program advance." Edgeman ordered at the two and jumped high that his position from where he stands changes far away from them.
"What about you?" Blues asked with worry, but seriousness is still on his face.
"I'll be fine, as long as you two can attack him."
"What happened to that Navi?" Enzan asked with curiosity as he look at the over-powered Navi with different expression.
"He berserked." Marina replied, never getting her eyes off with the Navi. "Obviously, Edgeman will be the bait and you two will unleash Program Advances on him while Edgeman stalls for time." Marina said as she looked on the two.
"What about Edgeman?" Netto asked.
"I have other plans." Marina smirked. "Hurting him hard should take him back to his original form."
"Alright!" Netto said happily. "Cannon, Triple Slot-in!" Netto inserted three Cannon chips from his PET performing Program Advance. In the cyberworld, Rockman's arms formed a hand cannon and raised them to the sky, the cannons glow brightly as it formed into a bigger cannon. "Giga Cannon!" Rockman said as he raised down the cannon to his chest level.
"Sword, Wide Sword, Long Sword, Slot-in!" Enzan did the same thing as Netto does, but with different chips. His signature Program Advance, Dream Sword. Blues' arms formed into 2 different shaped sword and raised them to the sky, the swords glow brightly as it formed into a different sword. "Dream Sword!" Blues said as he successfully performed the Program Advance.
"Battle Chip, Dream Aura, Slot-in!" Marina slot in the Battle Chip as Edgeman's place emerge a white beam, the Dream Aura. Overdrive Shockman still charge at him and attack his battle with his fists that covered with lightning.
"Do it, Rockman, Blues! I won't hold much longer!" It was true, Edgeman can't bear the barrier anymore as Shockman still keep attacking it with his might. "I don't care what happens to me!"
"Are you sure?" Rockman asked with worry.
"Just do it!" Edgeman urged.
"Ok..." Rockman fell silent for a moment and fired his Giga Cannon at Shockman, Blues did the same as he raised down the sword. Shockman was hurt badly, but Edgeman barely made it as his barrier was destroyed completely.
"Edgeman, plug-out!" Marina cried as she plugged-out Edgeman from the network.
"It's up to you, young lads..." Inferno muttered as he disappeared the Network in pixels.
"S-Shockman!" Blastman cried as he approach the lying yellow Navi. 'Are you OK?"
Shockman's eyes fluttered open, but he looks weak. "We need to retreat for now, Blastman." He said weakly as he hold the red Navi's shoulder and plugged-out with him.
"That's weird..." Blues said after the 2 enemy Navis disappeared. "Blastman was supposed to be deleted after that WWW incidents." The red-toned Navi said, without changing his expression.
"I feel that weird too, who or what made him to be revived?" Rockman asked question, but no answer will be made, only a chain of questions.

- - - - -

"By the way, Ichido." Enzan started a sentence, continuing them. "How did you know Shockman's berserk ability?" He continued as he glanced at the girl, still staring at the large screen.
"I faced him before I was a Net savior." Marina said, crossing her arms, didn't stare back as Enzan still staring at her. "That was 2 months ago, and besides, he's Edgeman's friend that I never knew, I only heard their friendship talks on their battle."
"But what concerns me is the WWW Navi that got ignored in the battle." Hikari-hakase said for the first time as he focus concerns on the WWW Navi. "He should be deleted."
Netto shrugged. "I don't want to encounter that Circusman Navi again, he's too annoying, I even wanted to punch him out if I was in the Net..."
"Netto-kun... I know how you feel..." Rockman hologrammed on his operator's shoulders, commenting on the sentence.
"Enzan-sama, according to the problems on the Internet 3 days ago, these incidents are related to each other, but we never seen it's purpose as to why." Blues also hologammed on Enzan's shoulder. "I see... Looks like we have to investigate more." Enzan replied.
"Ichido, I heard something from Inferno." Edgeman hologrammed on Marina. His operator never liked calling by her first name, saying it sounded too girly. "That these bad guys are 'Nightmare Onslaught'. Who will take over the world..." Edgeman's word were cut.
"Hmm? What's the problem?" Marina asked and glanced at her Navi.
"That's all that Inferno said..." Edgeman frowned.
"I see..."


Author's Notes: It may seem like it, but Dr./Hikari-hakase made looked OOC to me on some part in the invation of Science Labs.
I added Circusman randomly to think that how Netto is annoyed at that Navi just as we are annoyed at him... Haha... *coughs*

Rockman exe - Xceed

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:42 pm
by Nirvaxstiel
Nicely written! I Expecting moar of you soon