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Darker Than Black 2

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:10 am
by Yandols
Since NovaKon08 is doing this for Pokemon HG/SS and EXE:OSS, I guess i will post as well. I'm posting updates for Darker Than Black 2.
And as usual. Watch out for spoilers!
Darker Than Black CM1, No date wrote: There was a Darker than BLACK 2 - officially titled Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini - commercial that aired with today’s episode of Basquash. As you can see above, it starts with a quick montage of stuff that happened in the final episode of the first series, including Hei’s line about how there is no longer any man named Li. Then comes the interesting part of the commercial, the much wilder looking Hei. It’s not a lot to go on (there are magazine spoilers that reveal more), but it’s exciting to me all the same, and I’m looking forward to the series. The fact that the commercial aired during Basquash today means that it’ll most likely be taking over that MBS timeslot come October, the same Thursday timeslot that the first series had.
Darker Than Black CM2, August 28 wrote: A new commercial for Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini aired with this week’s episode of Basquash. This one revealed that the new girl is named Suou and that the initial setting will be Vladivostok, Russia, but I didn’t see anything in it that wasn’t already shown in the longer promo video that’s available on the official site. Assuming they go with a normal promotion strategy, there’s probably two more commercials in store before the premiere of the show, at least one of which will feature the new OP or ED. I’m hoping one of them will be a Rie fu song.
Darker Than Black CM3, September 18 wrote: A third commercial for the new Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini series aired after today’s episode of Basquash. This one focuses on the new girl Suou talking about the stars and has a nice piano piece in the background, but it’s again stuff that was already shown in the longer promo video that’s available on the Official Site.

Perhaps more important is the news that, based on a comment Kuwashima Houko made during an event last week, Ryuusei no Gemini might only be one season/cour long. I haven’t seen any official confirmation of this, but MOON PHASE seems to think that it’s one season as well, so it’s likely true.
Darker Than Black CM4, October 1 wrote: Airing after today’s finale of Basquash (which I’m currently in the process of writing up) was the fourth and most likely final commercial for the new Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini. Although it didn’t have much new to see, it did feature the new opening song, Tsukiakari no Michishirube by Stereopony. I assume the title is a nod at the first ED of the first series, Rie fu’s Tsukiakari. It’s a pretty catchy song, though the commercial doesn’t make the best use of it because there’s so much going on from an audio standpoint. Regardless, I’m looking forward to the start of the series, especially since Basquash ended up being so disappointing…

I need to do cleanup later on when i have much free time.
Above posts are from site called Random Curiosity. Credits to them.

Darker Than Black 2

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:16 am
by Yandols
Uh, okay the first episode has been released. And I'm copy-pasting from RandomC again!
Watch out for spoilers!

Two years ago, on the night of the Tokyo Explosion incident, twins Suou and Shion Pavlichenko had been with their father during a meteor shower, and an actual meteor had crashed into their Siberian campsite. As a result, Shion had become a Contractor. Back in the present, Suou is at school and accidentally overhears her friend Tanya get confessed to by her other friend Nika. Tanya agrees to go out with him, making Nika quite happy, and Suou gets it all on camera. At home, Suou shoos away a black cat and chats with Bella, one of the scientists working with her father. Suou then brings dinner to Shion and tells him about what happened with Tanya and Nika. She also shows him the copy of their mother’s photobook that she bought earlier, and she wants to go visit her in Japan, but Shion feels that he doesn’t need her. When their father realizes that Suou has been in Shion’s room, he scolds Suou and warns her not to get involved or else risk getting hurt. He also sees the photobook and suggests that they have to move forward instead of back in regard to his wife.

The next day at school, Tanya is late for class, and her friends notice something strange about her after she does show up. When Nika tries to talk to her after school, she attacks him a swarm of locusts that she summons with her Contractor powers. The price she has to pay is pulling out some of her own hair, and after doing this and calling off the locusts, she hurries away. Suou tries to follow her and can only watch as she boards the vehicle of some armed men. Back at their home, Shion goes into their father’s lab and, as he stands up out of his wheelchair, he announces that it’s time and that the remuneration is paid off. By the time Suou returns home, she sees military vehicles around, and she decides to enter the house through a secret passage. At the same time, soldiers enter her house, and Shion telepathically tells Suou to go to his room, change clothes, and to take a certain amulet. He also tells her that Bella knows the way to escape, and unbeknownst to Suou, Bella is actually April from MI6.

Suou doesn’t run into April right away though and instead overhears someone interrogating her father about the meteor core and Shion. When her father explains that it’s not there anymore, the other person electrocutes him. Suou emerges from the passage to find the body of her father, and moments later, April arrives there as well. April thinks that Suou is Shion at first, and when she realizes the truth, she has no choice but to flee with Suou. Outside, the two are met by FSB’s Goran, and he uses his super-speed to capture Suou. Since her gun is useless, April responds by using her water powers on him, and because of his super-speed, Goran gets holes punched in him by the droplets. Afterward, April has to drink, and while she’s doing so, she gets attacked from behind by Hei. She tries to counter by surrounding his head with water, but he proceeds to electrocute her. As she dies, April recognizes him as BK-201, and this leaves Suou alone with him.

ED Sequence

ED: 「From Dusk Till Dawn」 by abingdon boys school
There was no OP sequence this week, so all we got was the abingdon boys school ending song. It’s a pretty good one though, and a bit slower of a song than I’m used to hearing from them. I find it particularly interesting that the animation sequence that went with it focused on Tokyo, which might mean that the story will move back there soon. The shot of flowers at the end also reminded me of the first ED sequence.


As I mentioned earlier, I was very happy with this first episode. The first half was mostly light-hearted and even featured an insert song, but it fulfilled its purpose showing Suou’s relatively peaceful life while at the same time reintroducing some of the concepts of the show (of which there are quite a few). Suou managed to be quite cute in the process and spent a lot of time blushing, but there was still a foreboding air around everything. Things then really picked up in the second half, and I was surprised to see them kill off so many characters already, including April. Since she was a holdover from last series, I never thought that she’d meet her end so soon like this, particularly since I was just starting to really like her again. I guess August 7 will fill the MI6 agent void now, but I wonder what will happen to July.

It also took some getting used to the story not following Hei, especially since his character is being portrayed as something of a villain here. Obviously there’s some back-story that’s still missing to fill the gaps, but he appears to really want to get his hands on the Meteor core and Shion. The good thing is that, regardless of who the focus is on, the story doesn’t look to be divided into mini-arcs like the first series was, so it should end up better on the whole. They certainly have the production quality to back it up too - it appeared to be every bit as good as the original, so kudos to BONES for that. My only real complaint about the episode was with the music. I mentioned in my Fall Preview that Kanno Yoko wasn’t composing for this series, and while that wasn’t a huge deal because most of the background music was fine, I found the song that played whenever Hei appeared to be really obnoxious. That’s a pretty minor thing though in the scheme of things, and this was still a very entertaining first episode. There’s no question that I’ll continue to watch and blog this.

Completely Copy-Pasted from site called Random Curiosity. Credits to them.

Darker Than Black 2

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:22 am
by Nirvaxstiel
yeah i wtched those its quite good bt not as good as .hack//gu where theres action and stuff