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Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:44 am
by zero exe
Okay, here's how it goes:
The Game Base
Remove "_" and Put X/O
How To Play
- There can be many games at one time
- Anyone can start the game
- If someone starts a game, he should say: "Start The Game(X/O)"
- He can choose either X or O
- Then he start the game by replacing a "_" with X/O.
- Another member who wants to play with that person, should say: "@'the person's name'" and C/P his base and do the same: Replacing a "_" with X/O.
- The first person should also say"@'the person's name" and do the same. etc
- While those two are playing. Anyone can start a new game.
- After a game is done (all "_" got replaced or someone Quit/Win). You should say Person1/Person2: Game End
You should get this. If not:
-MegaMan: Start The Game(X)

-Lan: @MegaMan

-Chaud: Start The Game(O)




A Player: ProtoMan/Chaud: Game End
Have Fun! ^_^