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Board Update 08/09/09

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Joined:Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:00 am
Location:Rocknarok Town


Board Update 08/09/09

Post by Yandols » Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:58 am

Update changelogs again. ;)

- We recently affiliated with The DarkMega World the owner of the board is one of our administrators Sephiroth1995.
- The Rocknarok Center's affiliation icon is also made by Sephiroth1995. Credits go to him XD

- Ragnarok Online section of the boards have been updated.
- A new section has been added to the Ragnarok Center, it is the Scripter's Zone. Its purpose is for sharing scripts of Ragnarok Online you have.
- A script library has been made for it but currently only contains a few scripts.
- A new section the VooDooRO Private Server has been added but moved to the new category.

- A new category has been made called Private Servers and Emulation.
- eAthena, Vengeance, and VooDoo sections have been moved to this category.

- Done some more board re-ordering and sorting.
- Removed 2 now blank and unused categories.

- Users online cutoff setting have been updated from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

And some more updates that i may have forgotten.

End Transmission.
I'm Yandols. The Founder and Head Admin of this place.
Please contact me immediately if you encounter any problems.

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