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New Year Updates

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Joined:Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:00 am
Location:Rocknarok Town


New Year Updates

Post by Yandols » Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:26 pm

Well its a new year, and tomorrow most of us from GMT+8 and above will start school.
So to start, this week we have no Pathfinder Alpha. Sorry.

Later i will make updates to the TRRC with like more cleanups and adding more moderators.
I really need to cleanup the scripts library as well. As soon as i upload the latest version of the Echo Ridge and Undernet Scripts.

Lastly, I would like to say that I will soon be hosting a "Rocknarok Test Server" in-corporation with VooDooRO. The server is a test server used for testing new stuff that will be added into the main server. After i release the new clientinfo.xml be sure to download it so you can connect to the Test Server when its online.

I've added a new domain shortcut to the Rocknarok Center. You can now access the boards with and it will automatically take you here. This domain shortcut expires on 2011-01-04, which is 1 year from now.

I'm Yandols. The Founder and Head Admin of this place.
Please contact me immediately if you encounter any problems.

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