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TRRC Forum Minor Changes

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:54 am
by Yandols
Awhile ago, I thought about something. I wanted "more customization" for the forum, but I'm too lazy to modify themes (it aint as easy as you think). The idea I thought up is "Custom User ranks", where users will be able to request custom ranks for themselves from me. Yes, I am going to allow this now. Be aware that having Custom User Ranks doesnt give you special privileges, your permissions would be the same as a normal member's permissions, only you have a custom rank (and possibly custom rank icon). Because of this, Fulltime employees are not allowed to request custom user ranks otherwise I will confuse permissions and chaos might occur. Please refer to this topic for Custom User Ranks.

You might also notice that there is a new timer above the chatbox. It is a new feature which I implemented, which will show how much time remaining until an event occurs. These events might range from In-Game events, to Forum Events, or even disasters. So look at the timer from time to time.

Also, I have cloned the "Shouts" forum from TREZ, which is available above the Shoutbox which is at the bottom of the board. Unfortunately, the posts from the TREZ versions obviously cannot be cloned, so we will operate our own "Shouts". Go ahead and "..." if you want, just remember that it isnt EXACTLY a spam forum, so don't spam often there.

Finally, I would like to congratulate StarBusterX as luck struck him once again. A few months ago, he was the one lucky member who obtained the 3,000th Post of the whole Rocknarok Center. Today, he unexpectedly obtained the 4,000th Post of the whole Rocknarok Center. He is now known as the "Lucky Star" of Rocknarok, which is the creator of the 3000th and 4000th Post. Once again, Congratulations Lucky Star Buster X! Hope luck will strike upon you once again!


TRRC Forum Minor Changes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:54 am
by Yandols
More changes.
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+ 1 new easter egg.
+ More hidden content.
* Moved Technology Center back into the Community Center Continent.
* Moved Programs back into the User Creation Continent.
* Made Coder's Paradise a subsection of Technology Center.
* Fixed a bug in International Zone.
* Free Market has been renamed to Marketplace.
- Got rid of Futuristic Grounds.
- This week's Rocknarok Event canceled.

That is all. Rules will soon be reconstructed.

TRRC Forum Minor Changes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:10 pm
by Nick
I got Luck on the Internet.. Not IRL :(

TRRC Forum Minor Changes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:46 pm
by Yandols
Well its still luck.