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Welcome to the Rocknarok Center!

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Joined:Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:00 am
Location:Rocknarok Town


Welcome to the Rocknarok Center!

Post by Yandols » Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:43 pm

Welcome one and all to the Rocknarok Center!
The Full name of the Rocknarok Center is The Rockman and Ragnarok Center if you still haven't noticed, and its TRRC for even shorter.
This is a new forums i built that will be dedicated more on Rockman/Megaman and Ragnarok Online unlike my old board AeroWorld which wasn't exactly mine, well back to the point.

I'm greeting you all to welcome yourselves here, post a hello topic and show an introduction, post to make the forums grow bigger and tell us where you're from.

Please enjoy yourselves here and remember to follow the rules otherwise you might get into trouble!

Prince of ZeonX.
I'm Yandols. The Founder and Head Admin of this place.
Please contact me immediately if you encounter any problems.

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